Thursday, January 02, 2014

One Little Word and Holiday Recap!

 Happy New Year!! (a day late!)
 I hope everyone had  wonderful holiday. We were quite busy around our household. For the first time in seven years Sean had Christmas off. In fact he had Christmas eve and even a few days after Christmas off too. It was quite a treat let me tell you! We celebrated the day at home in the morning to open presents and then went to my parents in Oakville for brunch, more presents and dinner. Here's a few of my favourite photos from the day:
Christmas Eve at Flo's Diner
Chas doing his monkey face
Sidney and Alexi by the tree

My lovely Momma!

Are you participating in One little Word? For those who have no idea what I'm taking about One Little Word is project started by Ali Edwards where one picks a word as a theme for the coming year. Here's a link that explains how it works: One Little Word

Mother Daughter OLW necklaces made by us!
This year, I chose "Care" and Sidney is once again participating with the word "responsibility".
Sid is learning what it means to be responsible for her words and actions, to take ownership of her mistakes and reactions. She's learning to correct her own misbehavior and make amends where necessary. I am very proud of this initiative.
I chose "Care" since I really need to devote some time to looking after myself (not to mention my home, family etc, etc.) My health is not what it should be and I'm coming up with doable plan to get me back in shape. I attempted 40 before 40 last year and failed miserably, but I know what I can do that works for me...I just have to do it! (EASIER SAID THAN DONE!)
Let me know if your choosing a word this year, I'd love to read all about it!

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