Saturday, November 30, 2013

Daily Life: Blog Your Heart

 image from

I saw this post on Stephanie Howell's blog (one of my all time favourite scrapbook blogs ever!) and knew I had to write up my own version. This is what my "new" blog is all about. Blogging what matters to me. Basically, the ground rules are to "blog whatever is authentic. whatever is truly on your mind and in your heart." So here goes:

1. I struggle everyday with working so many hours. We've had YEARS of financial difficulties with Sean going back to school and all the challenges that have some with it and I've had to work more. Thankfully, things have eased up a bit but I'm still still working almost 50 hours a week. I never wanted to be the Mom who wasn't  around, but that's what I've become. I miss so much everyday and I'm at a loss of how to fix this.

2. I miss my friends. Due to my schedule I never see or even talk to them. Even when I'm home and the chores are (mostly) all done, I'm so tired that I don't have the energy to call them. I think they think I don't like them anymore. The truth is I love them all and I am ignoring all of them in equal measure! This makes me feel sad and lonely, so girls, you know who you are....I miss you. Please don't give up on me.

3. I'm totally overwhelmed by Christmas. I have no idea how I'm going to be ready for the holiday.  I'm coping by just doing what I can, trying not to think about it and eating chocolate...that should help! Full-on panic mode should set in by next

4.  I'm worried about my Mom. Her memory is declining. This terrifies me. I saw what my Grandmother was like in her later years and I shudder to think of the future.

Wow, this ended up being a very intense post. I'm actually a lot happier than this sounds. Life is good, just very busy. Please let me know if you decide to blog your heart too, leave me a link so I can read it!


stephanie howell said...

Yes. I identify with you on so much of this. I am so very sorry to hear about your mama. That must be heartbreaking. Sending you so much love. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I hopped over from Stephanie's blog, thanks for sharing your heart! I'd love to read a parallel post about how happy/fortunate you are! Keep your chin up!

Bev said...

i think it is very brave but also very therapeutic to blog from your hear. well done!
our family has had a very difficult summer and fall and part of the healing process is to write. stop over if you like