Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Playing around

Not sure if I like it or not but it looks nice in the kitchen!

Had a very nice birthday yesterday. Sean and Sid made me a cake Monday night, then Kate and TX came for supper last night. Thanks again for the goodies,wine and thickers...can a girl ask for more??
Some how I forgot to take any pictures yesterday. Duh. We also had a little shopping adventure to Micheal's, cause I really need more stuff...not.


scrapettygirl said...

Happy belated b-day Vic, i meant to message you on FB! Sounds like it was nice- BTW i love your new banner!

Stephanie said...

Happy belated birthday Vicki.(:

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, ahh no pics how ever will you scrapbook it, heheh.
Glad you had a good day though. and the mini is to cute, off to check it out on sis.
have a great rest of the week.